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Miriam Thomas, Ed.D.

Lecturer of School 图书馆 Science,
College of Education

Contact number: 281-283-3554
办公室: B1321.09


Dr. Thomas has been a certified educator and teacher for over 15 years in K-12 and higher education. She has served in various training, educational, and corporate capacities for over 30 years.

Curriculum Vitae

Areas of Expertise

图书馆 science and information literacy


托马斯,米. & 哈斯,L., (Fall 2020). Information Literacy Skills Proficiency and Academic Achievement of Select 12th-Grade Students at a High-Minority High Poverty School: A Mixed Methods Study. Journal of Texas Association of Black School Educators (JTABSE).

Courses (Current Academic Year)

  • 媒体 & Technology Selection and Application
  • School 图书馆 Collection Development
  • Librarians as Instructional Partners
  • Selecting Literature Materials for Young Adults

Research 项目s

Dr. Thomas' research interests lie in understanding how to support students at all achievement levels to be effectively and efficiently prepared to use information literacy 技能. Her research interests also include the connection between pleasure reading, academic achievement, information literacy, and how pedagogy and librarianship inform students' knowledge of information literacy 技能.

Awards and Accomplishments

  • Dr. 詹姆斯一. Johnson Researcher of the Year Award, TABSE 2019 Conference
  • CPA Society of Houston Educator Grant - $1500.00 used to purchase books geared towards struggling readers
  • Dollar General Literacy Grant - $2,500 for Stepping Up to Literacy Reading Intervention 项目